Here is the file for the repro project in Google Docs, due to the file size limit: [Link Removed] ...
When a groom is allowed to simulate, only the strand representation computes correct world normals for the new hair strand positions. This is especially noticeable when the groom is inverted as grav ...
There appears to be a bug relating to rendering multiple windows that can trigger under unknown circumstances. It has been reported on rectangle lights in the forums and on PostMotionBlur materials ...
This can also be observed while running in PIE mode using the console command "r.TSR.Visualize -2". It is not clear whether it is only the TSR flickering temporal analysis visualization that is exh ...
When a WPO (World Position Offset) object casts a shadow on a translucent object, the translucent object flickers continuously as the shadow passes over it. Initially logged as a 5.5/5.5.1 but also ...
A licensee has reported that occasionally a race condition triggers a crash during the initialization of FVolumetricRenderTargetViewStateData. If FVolumetricRenderTargetViewStateData::Mode is not pr ...
The texture parameters on material instances applied to post process volumes do not respect the priority order of the post process volume, and are in fact inverted relative to the priority of other ...
When the Cinematic Prestreaming plugin is used to generate and cache Virtual Texture Feedback requests, they work when played back in Unreal Editor. A Licensee has reported that they do not improve ...
A licensee has reported that they are unable to use an emissive material utilizing the SkyAtmosphereLightIlluminance material expression together with Nanite and Lumen. The linked UDN has some more ...
It is possible for a class that implements IPreLoadScreen to leak memory if GetPreLoadScreenType returns EngineLoadingScreen and IsDone returns true before the engine signals loading is completed vi ...