Setting a plugin module's type to "Editor" causes syntax highlighting in XCode to break for .cpp files in that module. Setting the type back to Runtime fixes the behavior ...
There is no sound in the movie play in iOS, built with 4.16 GitHub source code version. you can simply reproduce using attached sample project. This is reproduced in iPhone 5s(10.3.1) iPhone 6(iOS ...
While AdHoc testing in //UE4/Release-4.16 CL 3437809 in Binary – I found that deleting the projectBP folder of any Template project causes an ensure. I believe this issue is due a step in the garbag ...
Note If creating the project outside of Binary, build the project in VS, but do not close it. When creating a new plugin, the editor compiles the project and opens in Visual Studio. If the project ...
Characters are jittering in multiplayer when moving at high speeds when Run Dedicated Server is enabled. ...
After adding a class based on "Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Component", any attempt to hot reload, from Visual Studio or within the editor, causes the editor to crash. Regression: No - crash ...
GetOverlappingActors/Components ignore physics actors spawned in with zero movement. This only effects actors where the root is the DefaultSceneRoot and not the Static Mesh Component. User Descript ...
Procedural mesh loses collision when the "Add Procedural Mesh Component" node is copy&pasted. In this example the generated box appears to lose collision once an "Add procedural mesh component" node ...
In forward shading specular highlights appear to be much larger for very smooth materials in contrast to the deferred shader. In 4.14.3 the specular highlights were displaying correctly in forward s ...
Crash occurs when playing ShooterGame in editor. I could not reproduce this issue in Main. ...