This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Nearly all affected project names reference that this occ ...
Seamless travel seems to not be functioning properly. With Run Under One Process set to false and Seamless travel enabled, the ServerTravel command is not bringing the server to the specified map. ...
If you change the DataLayerAsset name or asset path, all Actors registered with that DataLayer will ignore that DataLayer's settings. Specifically, even if you set the DataLayer to the Unloaded stat ...
Wrong morph targets are animating in standalone game, but the right ones play in PIE See the Additional Info URL for the user's description (and youtube video) Here is the project: [Link Removed] ...
This is not a regression. Doesn't affect UE5. The editor crashes on start up after enabling EOS Voice Chat, and updating the .ini to include DefaultPlatformService=EOS. Removing DefaultPlatformServ ...
Collision between an instanced static mesh and a physics simulating actor (with "simulation generates hits events" enabled) results in the following warning: LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler en ...
When scaling multiple selected actors in the scene with snap enabled the actors will reposition to the pivot origin of the last selected actor in the group when going down to a value of 0 or a negat ...
This bug was originally entered back in 4.8 as [Link Removed], but was closed as by design. The reason was, the mesh did not have Lightmap UVs, so using the 'Light as If Static' option would not wor ...
This is a common and longstanding crash that has affected more than 300 users since 4.12. The callstack is closely similar to [Link Removed], although with different error messages. User Descripti ...