A licensee reported that using the Consolas font on Android will cause the game to crash. I've narrowed it down to only occurring in the Android 24 SDK and on the ASTC configuration. Using Android(A ...
Currently, there are several places in FAnimInstanceProxy and FAnimNode_Base (and derived classes) that rely on FindFunctionByName in order to resolve transitions, evaluate pins, etc. This can happ ...
Ribbon type particles seem to crash the engine if they enter a killbox. This reproduces 8/10 times on the first attempt, you may need to play with the kill box placement (left corner and right corne ...
UE4Editor crashes when closing on the Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I do not see this issue on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. ...
Packaging fails with Event Driven loader enabled and two function libraries reference each other even though the functions referenced in each library to NOT call each other in such a way as to creat ...
When using a SceneCapture2D within blueprints (as a component or actor blueprint) and moving the blueprint around while placed in the world (Capture Every Frame and Capture on Move enabled). The mem ...
Meshes that have a material with a DistanceToNearestSurface node applied can not be selected in the viewport. They have to be selected in the world outliner, and even then they don't have an outline ...
Crash at runtime when rotating a retainer box that contains an image ...
A licensee has encountered a crash when loading Sequencer Assets that occurs in BlendSegment during a sort lambda. It's possible to end up in a situation where the SourceIndex being sorted is larger ...
When the Project Settings is opened on Linux, a call is made to run an iOS-related C# program (execute iPhonePackager certificates). This call causes the editor to crash. Unable to find mention of ...