Remote building for iOS/tvOS is leaving behind generated files which can cause various compile issues when creating different projects in different streams with the same name (MyProject, MyProject1, ...
It currently takes two attempts to clear the default text from a Text Block widget. The first time you try, the property will repopulate with the previous string. ...
Crash when element is added to a map variable with unhashable key. An error is thrown on compile but an element can still be added under the Details panel of the variable. Crash Reporter: [Link Rem ...
Attempting to build the Engine using Visual Studio 2017 will fail if Visual Studio 2013 is also installed on the same computer. If Visual Studio 2013 is uninstalled, or if the computer has Visual St ...
Renaming a material isn't reflected in the Static Mesh Editor until it is closed and reopened. User Description: Let's have imported static mesh with material. Then select material using "Browse t ...
I ran into this while looking to verify [Link Removed] at CL 3355923. I logged the issue I was verifying the fix for last night and have not updated anything locally, so the "OpenGL 4.3 not supporte ...
It seems like if replication is re-enabled for a given property, its state should be force synced (depending on replication conditions). Otherwise, the state will remain "out of sync" for an indeter ...
A crash occurs when using the 'DumpLightMapSizeOnDisk' in the Console Command. ...
[Link Removed] "ProfileGPU" Command Crashes Standalone Game on Mac but not on a Windows PC. Regression: No ...
Declaring a TMap with an FIntVector key (ex: TMap<FIntVector, int32>) will cause the editor to crash when adding an element to the map. ...