Masked materials used in conjunction with MSAA and Forward Rendering results in a banded gradient which seem to correlate directly with the MSAA count variable. This is connected to the Forward Ren ...
Crash when saving a Data Table that is referencing itself in a Data Table Row Handle. Reopening the project also causes a crash. *Regression: Yes This was fixed and working in 4.13-3037605 This i ...
It is not possible to use the Create StaticMesh button to create a Static Mesh from a Procedural Mesh with only 3 verts. The following if check is the reason:if (RawMesh.VertexPositions.Num() > 3 && ...
Some components duplicated by Sequence Recorder Regression: YES Worked: 3249277 (4.14.3) Broken: 3299760 (4.15.0) ...
Incorrect collision on Instanced Static Mesh components that have been non-uniformly scaled and rotated. User Description: I have been experiencing a very annoying bug and I finally decided to tr ...
When FAssetRegistry::SaveRegistryData() is invoked for a umap redirector it will fail the check check(!bIsMap || (InDependencyType == EAssetRegistryDependencyType::Soft)); Because the redirector ...
The issue occurs when trying to Draw a Material to a Render Target where the source material is using AlphaComposite + Unlit mode. This is an attempt at the solution proposed by Ryan Brucks to allow ...
This JIRA has been made to consolidate all "D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')" crashes into one. Previous Jira tickets include:[Link Removed][Link Removed][Link Removed][Link Remo ...
If a raw input device is connected to the computer after starting the editor/packaged game, the device is not registered and input is not received unless the editor/game is closed and then restarted ...
If a user removes elements from an array in an instance of that blueprint in the level and then duplicates the actor (in the level ) containing the array, then the resulting actor will have the orig ...