If an array element is removed from a make array node, using the shortcut for Straighten Connections has no effect until after the Actions menu is opened via right-click then closed. ...
When moving nodes in materials and blueprints using the undo option doesn't undo the movements made by the arrow keys. This issue affects anything that uses nodes on an event graph. ...
Changes made to a blueprint variable's tooltip are discarded when clicking in the main blueprint viewport (Event Graph, Function Graphs, etc). Clicking in the variable's details panel does save the ...
Renaming struct member disconnects blueprint pins. This issue can disconnect all references to the struct, which can be frustrating if you have a lot of references No regression has been performed ...
The Nav Mesh is appearing in the editor, but not appearing during PIE when its Z value is set to a size similar to the floor size that it is generating on. Making the Nav Mesh Bounds Volume taller ...
Defining a ChildActorComponent in code, then setting the component to a blueprint derived from another code class causes the editor to crash when opening the parent blueprint if any changes are made ...
Header files are out of order in the plugin.cpp files. WORKAROUNDIn Visual Studio, open UE4 > Plugin > "Button" > Source > "Button" > Private > ButtonStyle.cpp Cut Button.h from the top of the #i ...
A crash occurs when reimporting a SpeedTree asset after clearing the material billboard element and setting it to the default world grid material. The licensee reporting the issue mentions to worka ...
After expanding all of the import settings for skeletal mesh import window it will always appear with part of the window off screen as long as the settings stay expanded. ...
May be similar issue as [Link Removed] but with slightly different repro steps. Not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3 ...