A crash can occur if multiple Actors are spawned/destroyed simultaneously, with each Actor loading an asset when it is spawned. This does not occur 100% of the time, but it does occur quite frequent ...
Plugin mount point registration doesn't mount paths relative to both root and engine, only relative to root while most other Engine directory mount point registrations include both ../../Content/... ...
The window switcher is not focusing on the message log if it is selected through the window switcher UI. Repro rate is 9/10 - Sometimes, it would switch to the message logs (Update - Laz) This i ...
FBX exported from editor imports to Blender at 25fps. Maya and Max do not appear to take their frame rate from the fbx itself, but set by the scene itself. ...
UK2Node_CallFunction::GeneratePinTooltipFromFunction relies a lot on loops that increment the index used to check the individual characters in the comments. The problem is that there are a few miss ...
When disabling "Should be Visible" of a stream level and then enabling it again, the values of variables in a Blueprint that has been placed in a stream level maintain their value in PIE but reset t ...
Add Controller Pitch Input isn't relative to the player. The user has provided a video of this issue occurring as well: [Link Removed] ...
Not all material elements are created and assigned to the static mesh using multiple materials. With the attached mesh, only the first element is created and the other two are left non-existent. I c ...
Crash when using stereo on command in shipping build. The game crashes when the stereo on command is called via an Execute Console Command node. ...
A crash occurs on iOS when deploying the licensee's project using iOS 9 version. The crash does not occur when deployed to a device using iOS 10 version. They believe the crash to be related to Pl ...