Cannot change Collision Response channel once component is custom selected from scene. This is only an issue if the component is selected by first selecting the actor in the world (scene), then sele ...
Texture appears flipped when launching on to HTML5. The image appears to get flipped upside down. ...
Edits made to a struct that is a member of another struct can cause the parent struct to no longer compile and cause save errors. ...
A child actor rotates incorrectly if the parent has negative scaling on one axis and more than 1.0 scaling on another. The child/parent relationship was created through the World Outliner. Licensee ...
A crash that is possibly the result of a circular dependency can occur if a Blueprint containing an ActorComponent with instanced UObjects and a variable that is a type of a child of itself is opene ...
With multiple Preview assets on one bone, only one appears in Skeleton Tree. Regression: YES Working: 4.13.2 CL:3172292 Broken: 4.14.1 CL:3224400 ...
Setting the Blueprint Nativization Method to Exclusive while there are no blueprints present in the project, or selected causes this assertion. I came across this bug attempting to verify another ...
Get Oculus Identity nodes appears to always fail when retrieving Oculus Id/ Oculus Name ...
Changing the default value of a struct that is included as an array in another struct can prevent any Blueprints that use a DataTable made from the second struct from compiling. It appears to be a p ...
REGRESSION No. When a skeleton has multiple skel meshes assigned to it, if the user creates a animation asset (animation blueprint, composite, montage) by right-clicking the skeletal mesh and selec ...