Array variables marked as RepNotify are not calling OnRep on the server when they are not directly set using a Set 'VariableName' node. Found in 4.14.0 CL# 3195953 Reproduced in 4.13.2 CL# 317229 ...
When using an Attach track in sequencer to attach an actor that contains more than one skeletal mesh component, the UI to choose which mesh component to attach to pops up, but then the editor hangs ...
Using a Stationary Skylight appears to be blown out with the SLS Captured Scene. Movable and Static do not exhibit this behavior. Comparison gif attached and sample project attached. Tested with: ...
Ensure occurs when the user triggers a redirected gameplay tag after the redirect has been deleted. Similar ensure to [Link Removed]. Test Project: [Link Removed] ...
In the Anim Graph, replacing an asset in a sequence player node does not register in undo history. It does not show up in the Undo History window, and when the user undoes the action, it completely ...
The user is not able to replace the animation asset (sequence or composite) in a sequence player node with an animation composite by dragging the asset onto the node, even though an animation compos ...
When attempting to replace a non-sequence asset on a player node (such as blend space or aim offset), the user will see a "Cannot replace with a sequence player" message, even though they are able t ...
When the user drags an animation asset onto an asset player in the Anim Graph, they are not prompted to recompile the animation blueprint, even though it needs to be recompiled to have the blueprint ...
Add Point node used with an InputKey of 0 or 1 will crash the editor on bp compile User Description: Unreal version 4.14 crashes every time that you use spline component and try to add the point 0 ...
The editor is crashing when attempting to use the RestartLevel command if the GameInstance contains a reference to an actor that is in a streaming level. The streaming level must be loaded, but not ...