When importing a mesh with material IDs from 3dsMax they will get assigned to different element numbers than intended. This worked 4.13.2 Binary CL 3172292 Is Broken in 4.14 Binary CL 3195953 ...
Pressing enter does not appear to activate OnClicked events in UMG When a button is focused Note: This appears to be a regression. This was working in 4.13.2 ...
Set mouse position node does not appear to work the first time it is called in stand alone. The node has to be called twice before the correct position is set for the mouse ...
Seems like although you can set a scale on a MotionController component, the scale of the parent of the motion controller component is ignored. ...
When you set bShowMouseCursor to false in a Standalone or packaged game while Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode is set to either Always Lock or Lock on Capture, the cursor will become locked in place ...
When stopping PIE Selected Viewport or Simulate Mode there is now a 1 to 2 second delay that did not occur in previous versions of the Engine. Regression: Did not occur in UE4.13 or earlier ...
When trying to launch a .exe after disabling SM5 in the project settings, an error will appear. The global shader cache file ../../../../Engine/GlobalShaderCache-PCD3D_SM5.bin is missing. ...
I first noticed this when I was going on a ramp at a high speed and was catapulted over the level. It seems that the faster you go, the bigger the pop is with physics. It is not easy to hit, but it ...
Many of the Templates are reported to have artifacts however, the Rolling template has the most noticeable blocky artifacts that appear as soon as you load into the scene. ...
If a sub-level is set as a Lighting Scenario in the Levels tab, calling Unload Stream Level will cause standalone / packaged games to crash. Regression: No - Lighting Scenario not available before ...