When launching a project with a video in it on an Android or iOS device, it either will work or it will not work. I believe this is due to the OS version of the device, but it may be related to the ...
In the Content Browser, there are no dedicated filter options for haptic assets, even though they can be created using the right-click menu in the Content Browser. ...
The particle module "Event Receiver Spawn" seems to ignore whether the emitter containing it changes from either disabled to enabled or vice a versa at run time. I also noticed that disabling the ...
Widget Interaction component cannot be moved while the game is paused. The widget interaction component stops following the mouse when the game is paused (when source is set to mouse) ...
Press Key node and Release Key node appear to emulate the wrong keys. The key being passed in is not always the key being output ...
The material billboard component does not get influence by the distance to opacity feature. In the project attached I created a curve that should get to an opacity value of 0 at 500 units away. Noti ...
REGRESSION: Yes, working in //UE4/Main at CL 3196079 When attempting to add an animation sequence with the incorrect additive type to a aim offset graph, the user isn't given a warning that this ca ...
When you have an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component that has a Static Mesh set and is populated with at least 1 instance and then duplicate it or move it to another level, it ...
REGRESSION: Yes, I could not reproduce in 4.14. LOD Actors are not rendering correctly. All the textures are black, and don't appear to be using the materials on the meshes in the cluster. ...
The windows mouse speed settings appear to have no effect on the panning speed in blueprint. ...