Using the Nativize Blueprint Assets option can cause the extents of a collision component defined in code and inherited by blueprints to use its default values in a packaged build instead of the ext ...
When using a Japanese keyboard, using Japanese language input special key(halfwidth/fullwidth/kanji key) zooms out graph view in BP editor and Material editor. It seems the menu key makes the editor ...
Auto Exposure Basic disables histogram min/max controls. Working as expected in 4.19 CL# 4033788 and 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 Preview 1 CL# 4435822 and 4.22 CL# 4448303 This is a regression ...
Setting "Keep State" for an animation in sequencer makes the sequence behave differently in Sequencer and in Play Mode. The animations appear to be blending together instead of having normal transit ...
The Z value of a trace hit will vary based on the Z value of the start/end points of the trace. The larger the start/end Z range, the larger the variance of Hit.Z values. ...
Project will fail to package with more than one actor containing ISM Components. From user: "...After some testing I found that it only occurs if there are multiple actors in a map (either of the ...
After finishing cloth painting, the ability to toggle Realtime Rendering in the viewport is greyed out. Additionally, the Disable Realtime Override button doesn't seem to have any effect. This probl ...
When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...
When setting "draw at desired size" for a widget component to true, the "Draw size" will no longer respond to input. ...
This bug removes foliage from a level when the Component Blueprint is compiled. Switching the Foliage type asset to another component will cause the issue to stop occurring. The Component Blueprint ...