Using a material element with Apex cloth will override the morph targets so that they have no effect. This issue didn't exist in 4.10 and seems to have been introduced in 4.11 due to the many optim ...
At line 610 in Linker.cpp, the following declaration is made:UPackage* FilenamePkg = (ExistingPackage ? ExistingPackage : CreatePackage(nullptr, *PackageNameToCreate)); if (FilenamePkg != Exis ...
On line 300 of PropertyStruct.cpp, there is the following if check:if ((Struct->StructFlags & STRUCT_SerializeFromMismatchedTag) && (Tag.Type != NAME_StructProperty || (Tag.StructName != Struct->Get ...
PostLoad function is not called for blueprint components added through code. Regression: Yes In 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) code components do have PostLoad called if other components are not added throug ...
On line #1301 in ScriptCore.cpp, there is the following if statement:if (Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Native) { Function->Invoke(this, NewStack, ReturnValueAdress); } else { Fu ...
'Stat Collision' Console Command appears twice in PIE list Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
Force Feed back does not fire off when called by an on destroyed event ...
When previewing a blank texture sampler in the material editor while the HLSL window is open, you can assign a texture to the texture sampler and crash the engine. ...
When selecting actors in the scene they get filled with an orange color rather than the typical orange outline. This is unrelated to the setting "Selection Highlight Intensity" as the bug will sti ...
Crash occurs when attempting to add a key to a curve in the curve table. This doesn't occur when adding a key to a regular curve. ...