When the Windows 10 Chinese Pinyin keyboard is being used to enter text into a context menu in a graph editor and is interrupted by the context menu being closed, the editor freezes and results in a ...
RoomScaleMesh from the VR template does not show up in a packaged game ...
In the Effects level of Content Examples, the Ribbon trails appears to snap back to the origin of the particle effect after the life of the particle. This is an issue in 4.13.1 as well. This is a ...
If a widget is set to be the parent of another widget and that widgets child is added to its designer tab, opening one of those widgets will cause a crash ...
Set Fullscreen mode does not render correctly in New Window PIE. The window tries to become fullscreen, however the screen appears to stop short and the bottom and right of the window are cut off ...
BSPs display as unbuilt lighting interactions after building lighting for lighting scenarios. This occurs for BSPs that are not in a scenario as well as ones that are in a sublevel marked as a light ...
Underscores do not appear in Category names within blueprints. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
REGRESSION: Maybe (had one occurring of it happening in 4.13.2) When playing with multiple players at the same time in a networked session, it's possible if rare to have characters spawn so they st ...
Score is not displaying on iOS devices Tested on iPhone6S+_6241 OS: 9.3.5 The score displays fine on Android. ...
Landscape Mode automatically turns on game view in the level Viewport. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur 4.13.2 ...