Mouse dragging cursor accelerates significantly on Mac

Tools - Jan 18, 2017

This also occurs in 4.14.3 This does not occur on Windows. Could not get this issue to reproduce while recording the screen with quicktime player, but if you experience it in person it really feel ...

Set tracking origin has a 90 degree offset between Floor and Eye level

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 15, 2017

Set tracking origin has a 90 degree offset between Floor and Eye level. When switching the Setting for the Set Tracking Origin Node from Floor level to Eye level, there appears to be a 90 degree dif ...

Changing a variable during simulate will cause physics object to jump around

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 16, 2016

If a user has an actor that is simulating physics during simulation of play in the editor and they then change the value of a variable trough the details panel below the world outliner then the acto ...

Set user focus for player 0 will cause other local players to lose input

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 28, 2019

When the player at index 0 sets its user focus it will cause other players to lose input. This does not occur when setting the user focus of players with an index higher than 0. ...

Playing audio files in Editor doesn't work when Magic Leap Zero Iteration is enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 14, 2020

When the "Enable Zero Iteration" and "Use ML Audio for Zero Iteration" settings are both checked, the audio doesn't play inside Unreal Editor. This happens in the following cases:Playing an audio fi ...

Making a hidden level the current level changes tile position in World Composition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Nov 26, 2020

[AI] Navigation memory set in NavMeshMemory::ForAnyElementType::ResizeAllocation shows as Untagged in LLM instead of being under Navigation.

UE - AI - Navigation - Sep 27, 2022

Licensee found that memory being allocated during a resize in NavMeshMemory is not being tagged within LLM as NavigationMemory but show in LLM as Untagged memory. They do not have a callstack showca ...

Setting NavModifierVolume's AreaClass at runtime does not result in navmesh rebuilding

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

The volume does accept the change and if it gets moved the navmesh will rebuild with new area set. The core issue is that setting NavModifierVolume.AreaClass at runtime does not notify navigation sy ...

Duplicating a Function Containing Add Child Actor Component Causes Changes Made to the Duplicate to be Saved to the Original

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2015

When you create a function containing an Add Child Actor Component node, duplicate that function, and then change the Child Actor Class option in the duplicate, the changes are also saved to the ori ...

Material Billboard Component doesn't respect screen size when taking into account Camera FOV and AR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 27, 2020

Material Billboard Component skews when Camera's Aspect Ratio is changed, and varies in size with changes to the Camera's Field Of View. Reported in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and tested in versi ...