It's easiest to see the change on the top of the table or back of the chairs when following the repro steps. I've attached screenshots of the Windows and Linux comparison with Intensity set to 20. ...
When adding a RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput node to a Virtual Texture domain material, the RVT Output node overwrites any data being sent to the normal material node's output, which interferes with th ...
When loading a Sub Level from the Persistent Level of World Composition, the offset of WorldComposition is applied when loading the Sub Level by itself. The offset can be applied repeatedly when rel ...
If the user has different DPI Scaling set on each monitor, the main monitors tool tips will change size based on the secondary monitor. ...
4.17: The preview mesh disappears entirely when the name of the preview asset is changed When a preview asset is applied to a socket, and the socket is renamed, the preview asset becomes detached ...
If two custom classes are created in C++ (Class A & B) and a reference to Class A is created as a member of Class B and initialized in Class B's constructor, the editor will crash once a blueprint o ...
The problem is caused by the animation sequence playback position being set out of range from Sequencer. The call stack is : UE4Editor-AnimGraphRuntime.dll!FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy::UpdateAnim ...
Non-Ray Tracing Shadows are only cast from lights on meshes assigned to the same Lighting Channel. When enabling Ray Tracing Shadows this is not the case. Lights will still cast Ray Tracing Shadows ...
Empty Shot Track Breaks Camera Component tracks when using Camera Cut Track ...
This is a Rhino file. Shadows are not cast on the Static Mesh after materials are assigned in the Static Mesh Editor. This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370). This was reproduced in 4. ...