Properties that are deprecated are (incorrectly) not currently being propagated to instances by the duplication logic that we use to instance BP-added components as part of Actor-based BP constructi ...
Startup movies are not being copied to the Content/Movies directory within the Content Browser. This can be confusing to users as it is not editable, but still functions correctly as a startup movie ...
Exporting the UE4 Mannequin to Blender then re-importing to UE4 breaks the animations, causing them to reimport rotated 90 degrees ...
Animation orientation does not auto-convert to UE4 coordinates when reimporting the same way it does when importing the same animation as a new import. In other words, a run animation generated from ...
Anim Notify Blueprints are included in Packaged builds of the editor even if they are not referenced. This does not occur with other Blueprint classes, such as Actor, although it may with some other ...
User reports that the reason for the crash is that because UpdateSpline is false on the AddSplinePointAtIndex blueprint node, this line is never called [ReparamTable.Points.Reset(NumSegments * Repar ...
When BP functions are bound to native delegates with float parameters, we perform fixup on the BP functions such that their float parameters are converted from double precision to single precision. ...
Checking Override Attenuation in Details < Audio Component < Attenuation disables settings that further adjust the Attenuation. Such as: Attenuation Air Absorption, Attenuation Listener Focus, Atte ...
(Enduring Games) I investigated it and found that the following primitive data flag test in BasePassPixelShader.usf fails: (GetPrimitiveData(MaterialParameters).Flags & PRIMITIVE_SCENE_DATA_FLAG_DE ...
When a Niagara System has SimTarget set to GPUCompute Sim, CameraQuery is only returning data from the Player0 camera, regardless of PlayerControllerIndex. The expected behavior would be to have the ...