If the user enables Expose for a variable on a sub anim instance node, the original value of that variable is lost. ...
Cable components within Blueprints are not rendering out to the Custom Depth Stencil buffer. ...
Crash using "Use Selected Asset from Content Browser" button on a Text widgets Font Material. ...
Editor crashes during initialization, but only on macOS 10.12, not 10.11.6. Crash is due to a shader not compiling... Update: Crash was not occurring on Nvidia or Intel. This was strictly an AMD i ...
In Range (float) and Clamp (float) have the same tool tip, it would appear that In Range (float) has the wrong description. They both appear to have the Clamp (float) tool tip ...
VR is no longer rendering to the HTC Vive. Stereo on console command and -VR launch parameter do not render to the Vive in a packaged project ...
The licensee is experiencing a crash when using UCLASS(HideCategories = (Activation, LOD, Collision, Rendering, TextureStreaming, Lighting, Mobile, Transform, Physics, Tags)) This crash occurs afte ...
When splitting the pin on a struct variable that has an array in it causes an error that requires the user to plug something into the array pin instead of using the default values given in the struc ...
Standalone game is crashing when opening certain maps using the command console. Crashed QA-Promotion QA-Landscape TM-VRSmoke No Crash QA-Decals QAEntry ...
Multiple scrollbars throughout the editor bounce back when the user scrolls with the mouse wheel. The effect looks like the scrollbar is rubber banding when scrolled. This issue has been found wi ...