Sometimes manual recompile is required to make a blueprint actually recompile data-only changes, but not always. If the last manual compile was with default values, then changes are not updated. If ...
Issue seems to be related to NpRigidDynamic::setKinematicTarget. When called by itself (like in the case of Kinematic bodies moved without teleportation), the simulated actor is woken and is put ba ...
The backgrounds for the interactive buttons have seemingly scaled down in the 4.13 engine version. The button icon themselves seem to have been unaffected. Screenshot comparisons included ...
When selecting a connection between two bones in Persona, Child bone is selected. ...
Clearing the texture field in the SubUV Animation after creating it from a texture in the content browser will crash the engine. ...
Had found the folder was stuck in this state, and eventually figured out it came from tabbing in and out looking for other info. Edit: We should probably cancel whatever drag is in progress if som ...
A vehicle using Async Scene on the body but not the wheels will crash the editor[EUS-TJ Ballard] Vehicle using Async Scene on body but not the wheels crashes the editor User Description: Async sce ...
A crash occurs when you remove a Sprite Instance within a Paper Grouped Sprite component of an Actor BP on Event Begin Play. I was able to reproduce this crash in the binary releases of 4.11.2 and ...
When you create a particle system using the particle cutout feature the particle will render. However, parts of the particle that were previously removed are now there. ...
Update Source button is not updating the PoseAsset that was created from the animation sequence. ...