User bug report: Why do you guys remove the Json Importer from UE 4.8? All atlases from TexturePacker can not be imported anymore on our projects. Is there a way to activate it? or maybe is there a ...
1.glsl_type with image was not fully inited with HlslName field set, causing the crash 2.seems many types of op are not support by current hlslcc, cause error msg. e.g. RWTexture2D.Load[Image Remo ...
Vignette seems to be being applied to the entire frame instead of each eye in stereoscopic, creating a really strange effect in your peripherals when viewed through a HMD. Can also see this effect i ...
The include for VulkanConfiguration.h was added to VulkanBackend.h, which is one of the external dependencies for the CrossCompileTool. This include is not complete however. This results in this mod ...
Although the Details Panel shows the degrees wrong, the object seems to have done it's rotation correctly but not in the right degrees. It will rotate to the position specified but it goes the wrong ...
Using Edit->Undo or Ctrl+Z has no affect after breaking using Alt+Click to break the connection of transition nodes. In the My Blueprint tab, extend Graphs->AnimGraph Regression: No - Same behavio ...
Alembic hair doesn't render in the right eye in VR. A demonstration project can be found [Link Removed]. NOTE: The hair is rendered as an overlay in other editor previews (skeletal mesh, Physics). ...
Attempting to increment the value of an array element does not seem to work, and instead returns the original value that was passed into the increment int node. Found in 4.11.1 binary. Reproduced i ...
When ShooterGame project is packed from RunUAT.bat, if you give encryption option, crash occurs at game startup. Without granting the encryption option crash does not occur. This occur. This problem ...