When importing a full scene using the Full Scene Importer and having it create a Blueprint actor that will set it's default mobility to static. Even unchecking the Import as Dynamic option will not ...
Media asset fails to play in packaged game. There was a bug entered [Link Removed] which is similar, but dealt with standalone play mode as well. The standalone issue seems to have been fixed since ...
Ontextchanged is not fired in mobile device. Both iOS and Android. ...
Packaging code projects on Mac for HTML5 fails. A lot of Could not verify LLVM version warnings appear in the output log.[2016.06.21-22.27.10:488][413]UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5): UnrealBuildTool: ...
Locking and unlocking the device does not allow the app to resume where it was left off. The app is running in the background but when you double tap home button and select it, the app will restart ...
Values are not copied for a EnumArray that is part of an exposed Struct Variable; when copying from the Details panel to a copy of the same actor. User Description: If you make an array of custom ...
Texture cube references appear to stay in memory after they have been added to a blueprint. They continue to take up memory even after the variable reference has been deleted. ...
If you have an illegal character (/ or ?) in your material name embedded with your FBX the editor will crash when using the new Full scene importer and selecting the Materials Tab. Tested in and ...
When using the foliage tool with any mesh that has a LOD the lightmap generates artifacts for the instance. The base LOD will have correct looking lightmaps, however when pulling back and seeing the ...
Dithering appears aggressive and has a screen door-like effect when using the new Landscape Lightmap in combination with Foliage LOD changes. Owen Stupka attempted to reproduce the issue on his iPa ...