A licensee is reporting a crash when he transforms/moves a single instance of foliage, when there are 15,000 or more painted instances of that mesh in a single map. Regression Yes, I tested the sam ...
Ribbon trails do not immediately follow the lead particle when fired. There is an inconsistent delay in some that cause them to either not fire or fire mid stream. This did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...
When opening the Pick Parent Class window on Linux, the expansion arrow next to All Classes does not properly extend to show all classes. Workaround: After clicking the arrow to extend the drop dow ...
When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...
When setting a custom meta data class in an Animation Montage, the class set is not saved when the editor is closed / reopened. ...
This seems to only happen when the editor has focus after closing VRPreview / VR-Editor. If you alt-tab have focus on another program it goes to SteamVR waiting room. ...
I have a fix for this shelved in CL# 2937344, so it would be good to get it into 4.12 once the user verifies the fix. ...
Once a slider receives keyboard focus, the keys will not navigate away regardless of the navigation settings. This is because the slider's OnKeyDown function does not pass along the call when the ev ...
When a player is removed from a split screen game, UMG widgets associated with their screen are not properly cleared. ...
A licensee reported an issue of not being able to add a new class to the ShooterGameLoadingScreen module inside of Shooter Game. It tends to give more output errors when in a Source built editor rat ...