If the engine is installed without the Debug Symbols, packaging for Shipping will fail due to the missing files. While I believe this is expected for Development, it shouldn't occur with shipping. ...
When debugging a blueprint using breakpoints, if you click the Resume button while you have Get World Delta Seconds running on tick, it will always return a maximum clamped value of .4 seconds (or l ...
Reparenting a blueprint to another blueprint that contains an event dispatcher with the same name as an event dispatcher in the parented blueprint shows warnings in the child blueprint and prevents ...
Icons are being occluded when you shrink the actor panel in Sequencer. The expected behavior from the rest of the editor is to prioritize the functional UI elements [Image Removed] ...
When creating a new actor at run-time through code, it's possible for RPC function to be called before the new actor's BeginPlay is called. ...
With a Bokeh DOF setup that essentially places the Near Transition Region into a Negative Space (or non-existence) the FPS drops dramatically from out of focus region to in focus region. In Focal R ...
Distance Fields generated for the 4 basic static mesh assets in the modes panel appear to have artifacts or low resolution. This is only affecting certain shapes that I can see. Adding in assets fro ...
When a SceneCapture2D actor is added as a Component to a Blueprint actor and the Render Target is assigned to a UI component in the level, the screen flickers at a rapid pace. The effect is slightl ...
After capturing a movie in matinee the Video Capture folder is not created so the movie does not exist. ...
After capturing a movie in matinee the folder the movie is saved to does not open on Linux ...