IGameMoviePlayer playback of a movie during loading screen lets you set bAllowEngineTick = true as a parameter. This will make FDefaultGameMoviePlayer manually tick the engine: if (GEngine && bAll ...
A high UWorld::Tick DeltaSeconds (i.e. GameThread hitch) results in a high UNetDriver::TickFlush DeltaSeconds. This DeltaSeconds can high (many seconds) if the hitch is long. This value then affects ...
It appears that the preview scene used to render thumbnails is not destroyed after a thumbnail is rendered, even after the blueprint editor is closed and GC is run. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 31 ...
USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...
Input doesn't seem to work properly when using exclusive fullscreen mode on some monitor other than the primary monitor. This is similar to other issues we've seen in the past with the cursor being ...
User Parameters on Niagara actors do not sync in the details panel when animated with Sequencer. Scrubbing in sequencer does not update the details panel. ...
Lumen seems to not be using Large World Coordinates somewhere. The Lumen Scene develops artifacts at large distances (5000 KM) from the world origin. ...
Very large objects casting dynamic shadows on the sky atmosphere can lead to flickering (cascaded shadow maps) or square patterns (virtual shadow maps). ...
This is a regression from a long while ago that needs to get fixed ...
In the variable filtering of the Blueprint editor, the key value of the TMap variable is not filtered. ...