Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 785] Array index out of bounds: 2 from an array of size 2 Source Context: 363 return OwnerController->GetPawn(); ...
Character animations do not replicate when the character is attached to another actor. Setting the other actor to Replicate and Replicates Movement does not seem to make any difference. Reproduced ...
Overlap events do not fire on landscapes ...
ShooterGame crashes when loading into the match on Mac when that ShooterGame was packaged with Pak files. The ShooterGame project was created using the Unreal Engine Launcher I do not see this is ...
When a user launches content examples with -vulkan tessellation will not be working. Everything tessellated will appear as if it has no tessellation. This issue is also occurring in 4.18 ...
Using the "Split Struct Pin" right click option on the rotation pin breaks the functionality of the Transform Bone node in Animation Blueprints NOTE: I noticed the Roll/Pitch/Yaw are in a differen ...
Duplicating an actor that calls a custom event from another actor receives compile error until the node is removed and replaced. ...
If a user opens gameplay debugger ( ' pressed while in PIE), all print string outputs to screen disappear, and will no longer appear during any PIE session until editor is closed and re-opened. Wo ...
Editor crashes when a custom event node is called as a function within a different blueprint in a separate function, then copied and pasted into the event graph of the second blueprint, the executio ...
When using Chinese characters in Blueprints, it will almost always see a crash when saving the project and PIE. This only occurs in the 4.6 release build. It does not occur in Main. Crash Report: ...