The Get Physics Linear Velocity node seems to only output a vector of 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 no matter what the velocity of the object it's measuring is. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL 17735300 and th ...
Static mesh that does not have Support Ray Tracing flag does not have a GeometryRHI object. So it causes a crash in FD3D12RayTracingScene. Excluding instances that do not have a GerometyRHI in FDef ...
It seems that changing the name of a variable inside a struct that is being used by a Control Rig variable causes a crash. Additionally, after making the change and recompiling the Control Rig bluep ...
Not a regression. Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 Binary - Reproduced //UE4/Release-4.27.1 CL17735300 Binary - Reproduced //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary - Reproduced Fro ...
When holding down the Ctrl key and pressing another key, if there is an input event bound to that key, then the nodes placed after that input event are triggered. However, this is not the case with ...
There appears to be a pattern of non-deterministic cooks when packaging with multiple chunks. In the case of these reproducible steps, only the assets of chunk1 have been modified. In this case, we ...
When creating a Curve Compression Setting asset and changing the codec from Compressed Rich Curves to either Uniform Indexable or Uniformly Sampled the editor crashes. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.26 ...
It seems that when a section of the Visual Logger is detached from the window as a whole and then that window is closed when docked next to the Content Browser, then the engine crashes. However, whe ...
In Water_Material_Ocean material, there is a typo under FluidSimulation that says "Siulation Flowmap Speed" This is not a regression due to it occurring in 4.26.2. ...
This only happens when you connect a pin, then disconnect it and try to compile again. ...