UVOIPStatics::VoiceTalkerMap uses FUniqueNetIdWrappers as its keys, which will be the same across multiple instances for a player. A player's local pawn can have a voip talker, and that pawn on a re ...
When a sublevel gets unloaded that has an actor with an AbilitySystemComponent with an active GameplayEffect with Duration, a crash occurs when the duration expires. This is due to an ASC timer dele ...
Since UE5.0, cannot edit double variables in property matrix. In UE4.27, it worked correctly and could be edited from the property matrix. This is because double variables are not supported in SProp ...
Download and unzip attached project.Run editor.Select actor.Select BP_MyComponent in Outliner.Change "Some String" to any value. Observe that value resets to the default.Change "Category" to any value ...
There's some quirky behavior occurring with the component's CDO when we change a value that isn't compared by the native code's equality operator. It only seems to commit when we first change anothe ...
Although the ISM component allows for enabling the flag for Fill Collision Underneath for Navmesh, it does not add the modifier for this to the navigation data for its instances. ...