EventOnMouseLeave Is firing off when it should not

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 13, 2015

If the user clicks on the spin box that has an On Mouse Leave event and then drags the mouse around the leave event will fire off as if the mouse position is still being updated to the screen (the m ...

Camera actor preview window does not display properly in orthographic view

Tools - Apr 13, 2015

Adding a camera to the scene and setting the projection mode to orthographic doesn't display properly in the preview window. ...

Renaming an AnimNotify does not redirect event nodes to the new name

OLD - Anim - Apr 10, 2015

Renaming an animNotify in the Animation Notifies window (Window>Animation Notifies) does not redirect existing event nodes to the new name. It also doesn't appear under the Right Click menu in the ...

Collapsed Nodes do not move with their functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 10, 2015

When you create a function and collapse nodes within it, the collapsed nodes to not follow the function category switch. I also noticed that when you move the function around that has the collapsed ...

Preview Instance can still trigger print strings when you PIE

OLD - Anim - Apr 10, 2015

In the given answerhub example, the user has a print string coming from IsNotValid on a check of *TryGetPawnOwner*. This is returning a false negative to him when he PIE's because the Preview insta ...

Projects with "TargetPlatform" set as a dependency cannot be packaged to Windows 64-bit if the project is made using the binary version of the Editor..

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 10, 2015

Including "TargetPlatform" as a private dependency of a code project created using the binary version of the Engine prevents the Editor from being able to package the project for Win64. Removing the ...

This user's project presents an Engine/Transient save error on certain Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 10, 2015

This user's project presents an Engine/Transient save error on certain Blueprints. When saving the CharmState Blueprint, this message pops up: Can't save ../../../../../UserProjects/jeffvoight_ciic ...

Walking on an actor with a Spring Arm in the 3rd Person BP template will cause the camera to jitter

UE - Gameplay - Apr 10, 2015

Walking on an actor with a Spring Arm in the 3rd Person BP template will cause the camera to jitter/skip. This does not happen with an actor that does not have a spring arm and it also does not hap ...

Physics Asset loses skeletal mesh reference when skeletal mesh is moved to another folder

UE - Gameplay - Apr 10, 2015

When moving a skeletal mesh from one folder to another will lose the skeletal mesh reference in the Physics Asset. A warning message will appear. Picture attached. James: Do things like FStringAss ...

Dynamic Parameters do not function in Beam Emitters

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 10, 2015

Transfered Issue from TTP # 298314, originally opened in TTP on 6/3/2013 and updated with Answerhub post information on 5/18/2014 Dynamic Parameters cannot be used with a Beam Emitter, they pass no ...