Game instance spawning object crashes .exe in packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 19, 2015

If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

BSP brushes break when non-standard subtractive bsp brushes are used

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Mar 19, 2015

if a nonstandard bsp brush is used as a subtractive brush, additive bsp brushes will break and show incorrect holes when in contact with the subtractive bsp. ...

Open a level that contains instanced meshes (with built lighting) will crash the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2015

Open a level that contains instanced meshes will crash the editor. Per the users description, the level must have had lighting built and then another level loaded or the editor restarted. Once the ...

'HighResShot 2' is not taking a screenshot for a packaged project

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2015

When you attempt to take screenshot in a packaged project with the Console Command 'HighResShot 2'. This command works in editor but not in a packaged project. Issue with packaging in Main CL# 248 ...

On level restart, user receives LogNetPackageMap warnings in networking project with seamless travel

UE - Networking - Mar 19, 2015

On level restart, user receives LogNetPackageMap warnings in networking project with seamless travel. Warning message: LogNetPackageMap:Warning: Using None instead of replicated reference to MyAct ...

This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 18, 2015

This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab. This only occurs with one Parent/Child combination: the crash occurs when compiling Building whil ...

Post Process Effect Screen Percentage Not Functioning

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 18, 2015

The Post Process setting "Screen Percentage" does not seem to work at all. After looking at the example provided in the documentation highlighting the Content Examples map with this feature, I was ...

CTRL+LMB/RMB with scale widget does not auto scale along x or y axis

Tools - Mar 18, 2015

Pressing CTRL+LMB/RMB does not scale along the X or Y values automatically. Instead, it scales the entire object. ...

Cannot negatively scale objects in editor with scaling widget

Tools - Mar 18, 2015

Objects do not react well to negative scaling with the scaling widget. Once an object hits 0 then pushes into negative values it begins stuttering between small float values until the user stops goi ...

This Blueprint will not compile and causes a crash in 4.8

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 18, 2015

The MiningBuilding Blueprint in this user's project will not compile. Clicking the compile button never switches it to "Good to Go", and a warning that it needs to be compiled appears at PIE. Repro ...