The first widget in a widget blueprints hierarchy does not have a parent

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 23, 2015

The widgets that are the children of the "Root" of the hierarchy of a widget blueprint return null as their parents. The expected parent would be the widget itself. ...

Setting NavModifierVolume's AreaClass at runtime does not result in navmesh rebuilding

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

The volume does accept the change and if it gets moved the navmesh will rebuild with new area set. The core issue is that setting NavModifierVolume.AreaClass at runtime does not notify navigation sy ...

Sound Cues report incorrect MaxDistance when using SoundNodeParamCrossFade

UE - Audio - Apr 23, 2015

Short duration sounds (< 1.0 seconds) trigger a check on max distances by sound nodes in a sound cue. Sound cues which use SoundNodeParamCrossFade are reporting 1.0 as the max distance and thus resu ...

Simulate Physics with Destructible that is using World Support can't be enabled after it's been hit.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 22, 2015

When using a Destructible with World Support set simulate physics can be enabled so long as the DM has not been hit yet. Once it's been hit it no long is able to be set to simulate. ...

Scale with Width on Landscape Splines offsets plane mesh on Z axis

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 22, 2015

If "Scale with Width" is set on a landscape spline with a plane mesh, the plane will offset on the Z axis. In most other cases, scaling along the z axis does not affect planes. ...

Investigate Tessellation Performance on Landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 22, 2015

I have been seeing a few answerhub threads about very low performance on tessellation with landscape. What is puzzling is that it does not seem to change performance whether low or high tessellatio ...

Crash on clicking Column Header in visRT window

Tools - Apr 22, 2015

The Engine will crash when you run the visRT command in Editor and click on an item in the visRT window and the click on a column header. also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2513846 [Link Remove ...

Crash in blueprints when opening right-click menu

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 22, 2015

Right clicking inside the event graph of a blueprint that is derived from PhysicsCollisionHandler will crash the editor CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Compile failure in UHT with combined multi-line / single line comments

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 22, 2015

Using a single line comment to immediately follow a multi-line comment closing brace results in an illegible compile errors: "error code: CrashOrAssert(3)" Workaround: Include a space between */ an ...

UMG Throbber is not showing in project when using 'Set Number of Pieces' node off of Event tick

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 22, 2015

If you add a throbber to a UMG Blueprint and use the Graph of the Blueprint to change the 'Set Number of Pieces' and use 'Event Tick' to tick the widget, the throbber widget will not appear on scree ...