If a procedural foliage volume attempts to use the "target layer" feature and resimulate while encompassing a landscape proxy, the editor will crash. Frequency: 3/3 Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...
The gamemode settings under world override do not save once the project has been saved, closed and reopened. ...
Copying a call to a Custom Event or Function in another Blueprint and pasting it in the Blueprint the Custom Event or Function comes lives in will cause a compile warning or failure. In 4.7.5 it giv ...
If a code defined function that takes in a parameter is called from blueprints, the BP node will show the input pin for the parameter. If the parameter list is changed after the node is created and ...
While casting to a Child, the overridden function node's target will read the parent bp. Also being discussed in this Forum post: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?66846-Initialisin ...
The UI tells me I can do it, but I cannot. Current work-around is to insert an extra element. Not desirable. [image: Inline image 1] ...
Seems that by manipulating blackboard key selector in BTNode_RunEQSQuery one can lose values set, and make BB key selection lose it's filtering (runt eqs should accept only locations and actor here ...
The NavMesh creates breaks at the wrong rotation if the mesh is using collision created from outside of UE4. This is obvious in a lot of the market content with special collision created in maya/3d ...
Dowloaded 4.7.5 release from GitHub and was able to compile the UE4 Editor source code successfully. Then attempted to compile using the "UE4 - Game -Mac" filepath, but received message saying could ...