Functions in the Level Blueprint throw a warning on PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Functions in the Level Blueprint throw a warning on PIE: LogBlueprint:Warning: FMemberReference::ResolveMember (NewFunction_0) bSelfContext == true, but no scope supplied! Every function logs thi ...

Thumbnail section of Material Attributes does not function

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 3, 2015

The Thumbnail Tab in the Material Attributes does not effect the actual Content Browser Thumbnail Preview. The only way to current change it is edit it via the Edit Thumbnail Preview via the Conten ...

The Yaw rotation for the oculus is saved between levels

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 3, 2015

If the player is looking 180 degrees from their start position this will be saved if the level is changed and they will be looking 180 degrees (the opposite direction ) they would have been facing i ...

Crash when renaming assets from the Persona asset browser

Tools - Mar 3, 2015

Crash when renaming assets from the Persona asset browser [Link Removed] [Link Removed] LOG IS ATTACHED ...

No way to unregister BB observer as a response to being notified about BB key change

UE - AI - Mar 3, 2015

Currently when a BB observer gets notified about BB key change there is not way to tell the BB component to unregister said observer. The function called on observers should return a value indicati ...

Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted. For example, after setting a Custom Event to Multicast, the "Replicated From Server ...

Scene Capture 2D not updating capture size when played in fullscreen mode

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 2, 2015

The Displayed Render Target Textures are not accurately resizing when the Game is played in Fullscreen mode. [Link Removed] Also tested in Promotable-CL-2455917 ...

Closing Chunk Parameters tabs with chunk selected and reopening Destructible will cause crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Mar 2, 2015

When opening a DM selecting any chunk, even the unfractured mesh, closing the chunk parameters tab and reopening the DM will result in a crash. If that DM is opened and clicked in the viewport it ...

Orthographic Camera View does not work properly in HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 2, 2015

A user has not been able to get his game to run in an orthographic camera angle. It works perfectly fine in perspective, but pushes the game off to the side once in orthographic. Users Tutorial of ...