MaterialCurve of AnimSequence is not working with LOD 1~ if assigned Material manually. Assigning material to LOD0 seems sharing material info with other LODs but material info is never shared if as ...
When comparing the World Normals of an Instanced Static Mesh being scaled non-uniformly to that of a regular Static Mesh, their normals do not match one another. I have attempted to look over the d ...
If the user presses down and drags off screen without lifting their finger/releasing mouse button then the "Get Input Touch State" node does not return false (for the Is Currently pressed pin). It c ...
Multigates only fire the first output when inside a function. The same setup in the Event Graph will function as intended. Reproduced in 4.7.4 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2498147) ...
After adding a new Camera Actor Component within Blueprints to an existing Spring Arm Component, the Camera Component adopts the location settings , but does not set its location within the viewport ...
Basically, the problem is that the Main Thread is able to run AActor::Tick() (including Blueprint Tick Events) at the same time that the animation system is running functions such as UAnimInstance:: ...
A user has reported that the saving notification sticks on the desktop when the editor is minimized. When you maximize the editor, the saving notification does disappear.I have not been able to repr ...
User has reported that his actor components are bugged in his BP_Hero blueprint, stating that the functions aren't being recognized. And when he attempts to compile another blueprint that references ...
If the user creates two blueprints and parents one to the other and then creates 3 event dispatchers in total between the two in an alternating method it will cause and error and the event dispatch ...
When exporting a large file, due to the way the auto reimporter only checks for the number of changed files has remained stable for some given threshold, it can kick in too early even though the sin ...