"Navmesh needs to be rebuilt" shows up during runtime navmesh generation

UE - AI - Mar 24, 2015

"Navmesh needs to be rebuilt" shows up during runtime navmesh generation ...

Landscape Layer blend node inconsistency

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 24, 2015

When the landscape has no textures the landscape layer blend material node will render as the first layer. When painting only holes onto the landscape, the landscape will have a layer texture but st ...

Default values set in code are not overridden in character blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2015

If a C++ class based on Character has a default value for a variable and the value is overridden in blueprints, the default value will be shown in game rather than the BP value. ...

Physics object with collision box detects multiple begin/end overlap events even when specific collision channel is utilized.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 23, 2015

If a blueprint has a physics object and a collision box, the box will register overlap begin/end events multiple times, even if the collision is set to only overlap with specific collision channels ...

Mouse directly controls Camera Actor directly above 170 and below 5 FoV

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2015

When manually setting the FoV of a camera actor to a value above 170 or below 5, the camera actor itself disappears and the user's mouse takes direct control of the camera actor movement and rotatio ...

Array node input changes to pass by reference when editor is closed and re-opened

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2015

Closing and re-opening the editor changes the input element on add array nodes to a pass by reference. Update: This also occurs on Set Array Elem node Item output. ...

When re-categorizing variables within a blueprint collapsed categories pop open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2015

If a user wants to change the category of a variable this will cause other categories that had previously been collapsed down for convenience to spring back open. This can make dragging and dropping ...

VR preview is grayed if the editor is started with the Oculus turned off

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 23, 2015

If the editor is started up and the Oculus is not turned on. The VR mode will be grayed out and unavailable until the editor is restarted with the oculus on. ...

Console Command 'ModifySoundClass' is Unrecognized

UE - Audio - Mar 23, 2015

When running a game in the editor and using the Command Console 'ModifySoundClass', the console returns saying the command is unrecognized. It is my understanding, that even if you do not create ne ...

Duplicate "ghost" widgets are created when wrapping multiple widgets with a vertical box (From the Hierarchy panel)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 23, 2015

If the user selects multiple widget within the hierarchy panel and then right clicks > Wrap with > Vertical box this will create an extra set of the widget that were selected. These widgets will hav ...