Interface cannot be re-implemented after removal from blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2015

If an interface is removed from a blueprint and an interface function is transferred to a local function, the interface cannot be re-implemented in the blueprint. ...

nonstandard bsp additive brushes cause breaking/artifacting on other bsp brushes when colliding

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 14, 2015

if a nonstandard additive bsp brush collides with a standard additive bsp brush, the surfaces of the bsps break and artifact, causing numerous holes in the brushes. ...

Editor crashes when attempting to open a new level from a level that has an external curve in a timeline within the level blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 27, 2014

The editor crashes when a user imports a float curve into a timeline within the level blueprint then attempts to open another level. ...

AddProceduralMeshComponent node throws UnknownTemplateReferenced errors in duplicated Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 5, 2015

AddProceduralMeshComponent node throws UnknownTemplateReferenced errors in duplicated Function User description: 1) Make a function that has a Add Procedural Mesh Component node. 2) duplicate func ...

Construction Script fires multiple times when the Const Script is compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 30, 2015

Construction Script fires multiple times when the Const Script is compiled. If the character is moved on the grid in the level, it will only fire once. It only seems to be an issue on bp compile. ...

Memory leak after exiting PIE

There appears to be a memory leak when you PIE and then exit PIE. Users are reporting that each time they PIE, their RAM usage jumps up, say, 10MB, then when you exit PIE, it only drops down 5MB. ...

When no root is present, Sequence Recorder sets top bone to origin

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 12, 2016

With skeltons that don't have a root or have a root that is not at the origin, sequencer recorder will snap it to the origin in it's recorded animations. [Image Removed] ...

Set Physical Material node in BP do not work with Destructibles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 7, 2015

Using the Set Physical Material for Destructible does not work currently. In comparison with a static mesh physical material will change via key press during gameplay. ...

Collision Preset Cannot Be Changed On an Actor Containing a Scaled Root Component

UE - Gameplay - Jan 15, 2016

In an actor that contains a scaled root component, it is not possible to change the collision presets on an instance of that actor if you are using the Viewport's Details panel. However, in the blue ...

Execute Console Command function differs from the Engine Scalability Settings

UE - Graphics Features - May 14, 2015

When executing the 'execute console command' with 'sg.ResolutionQuality 25' the engine scalability settings are at 6%. When you set the 'sg.ResolutionQuality 50' the engine scalability settings are ...