The Ease function's Blend Exp reverts to its default value after closing/reopening the editor. Reproduced in 4.6.1 binary and in Main (CL-2408355). ...
Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...
The 'Set Constrained Components' node doesn't set the physics constraint components correctly if used in the Construction Script. ...
Changes done to BTDecorator_Blueprint result in users not being able to upgrade their BP-implemented decorators to 4.7. ...
Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location. Other AnswerHub Report: ...
The Delay node cannot be added to the StandardMacros bp in the Engine folder. However, the Delay node can be added to a new Macro Library bp and any Macro in an actor class blueprint. ...
The default values of a Struct variable in a Blueprint will return to the default values of the Struct on compile when all values are set to 0. Possibly related to [Link Removed] Tested in 4.6.1 a ...
After clicking on the little down arrow for localization dragging any of the textblock widgets (that are not set to the default text) will result in all of the text blocks (that are not set to the d ...
Editor slows down exponentially when spawning in a large quantity of instanced meshes. ...
If the user clicks a button and does not release the mouse button, the mouse position will no longer update until the user releases the mouse button that is being held down. This could cause issues ...