If you have a trigger box trigger an ambient audio clip when you enter the box, the audio clip will always play from the beginning even if you have the Start time starting later in the audio clip. ...
If a user uses clear options on a combo box (String) and then tries to add new and different data, the data that is added was the data that was removed with the clear options node. ...
While the framerate has improved for 4.7 in regards to large amounts of foliage, when a user places a substantial amount of foliage into level and it has at least 3 different foliage meshes, FPS dro ...
Timeline tracks can be given the same name as existing execution inputs, which causes some unusual behavior when dragging off the pin. Renaming them will rename the execution pin instead, and compil ...
It's currently not possible to prevent notifies from firing by setting their TriggerWeightThreshold. When stepping into the code that fires the notifies I found that the given InstanceWeight was alw ...
Values changed to an inherited Struct variable in a Child Blueprint will be kept after compile, but any not changed will be set to 0s. ...
Custom Events with duplicate input names will not compile. This does not occur immediately: creating two Custom Events with two identically named inputs will not cause a compile error, but if you re ...
Sound queues set to play with "Play Sound at Location" node don't play on a game packaged for IOS. **NOTE** User workaround mentioned that sound will come out from connected bluetooth. ...
When creating a Sound Class and editing/applying the 'Radio Filter Volume' option, the sounds associated with the sound class seem to have their attenuation settings overridden or mixed in with an i ...