Issue has been seen a couple times internally and closed as No Longer occurring. Looking at Crash Reporter, issue has been seen live a number of times. Looking at user logs, occurs after:LogAudioMi ...
Given a TMap where the value type is an instanced object: when a child blueprint is saved with modifications to the TMap, and then additional TMap are added to the parent blueprint and the child blu ...
Made From CrashReporter To remain Glitter compliant logs can not be linked from Crash Reporter. Should you need logs you will have to get them from Crash Report. ...
Provide a way for licensees to set a custom class for DataLayerInstanceWithAsset. ...
Console history is saved correctly in 5.1. The cause is input.ini in EnhancedInput and InputDebugging added in 5.2. Removing these files are a work around. ...
Implementing data validation via an Editor Utility Blueprint works fine in the editor, but when run via the commandlet, the blueprint won't load the editor utility subsystems (i.e. Static Mesh Edito ...
This seems to happen because FObjectReplicator::ReadyForDormancy will continually return false while FObjectReplicator::CanSkipUpdate returns true. In ReadyForDormancy, the actor's SendingRepState h ...
When creating a new NiagaraSystem, the DefaultEffectType set in ProjectSettings should be reflected. If another EffectType is already set, it should be respected. The problem here is that when creat ...