Licensee is encountering an issue where they would like a segment of a montage to end and hold the last frame for the remainder of the segment length. He is doing this by adjusting the End Time und ...
Packaged games do not display PlayerName correctly using Steam OSS. Does not occur in Standalone. Test project attached. To test, package for Development > Win64. When run (with the Steam client op ...
After changing the Slot Name field, the Slot node does not update with the new name until you close and re-open the Animation Blueprint ...
Added functionality to a blueprint component through code and built the project in VS. After a hot reload, I saved the blueprint and closed the editor. Reopening the editor and the blueprint cause ...
If a .csv created in Microsoft Excel is imported into the editor, any cyrillic characters in the data table will appear as question marks or blank boxes. Note: According to user, this does not occ ...
Sweep on Set Actor Location is ignored for all components that aren't the Blueprint's root. Reproduced in 4.7.6 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2568226) ...
If you have an Execute Console Command node in your level blueprint with a pressed key executable node, The project will freeze if packaged for shipping when 'Stat FPS' in in the Command box. Test ...
Edit MattK: The display name is different when running PIE through the editor. This sort of inconsistency seems wrong. We should probably not ever be using the display name. Spaces are removed fro ...
If the user has different DPI Scaling set on each monitor, the main monitors tool tips will change size based on the secondary monitor. ...
Camera resets to default height on player movement in the X+ direction after capsule size change. User Description: If I change capsule half height to lower than 96, for example to crouched half h ...