Giving an int32 variable the specific ArrayClamp has no affect when the specified array is defined inside a USTRUCT(). Variable is able to be set to a value outside of specified struct's range. ...
CanJump Blueprint node will return true for 1 jump after "MaxJumps" and if this happens, will never return true again, even after Character has landed and CurrentJumps has reset. ...
Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference inside a struct results in a crash. This was reported to work fine in 4.6.1, but I was unable to verify that is the case. ...
When moving nodes in materials and blueprints using the undo option doesn't undo the movements made by the arrow keys. This issue affects anything that uses nodes on an event graph. ...
When creating a new data asset, it is not possible to select a Data Asset C++ Class or Derived Blueprint as its base class. This did not occur in 4.15.1, this is a regression. ...
This is a trending crash after the 4.17.2 hotfix, although it has existed since the 4.16.1 hotfix. User Descriptionswas creating a new graph in a blueprint ...
When using On Url Changed event on mobile devices, the event does not appear to fire as expected. Tested on iphone 5 As a note: The function GetUrl appears to be similarly affected. ...
colored text+Link to screencast of repro steps: + [Link Removed] -May take some clicking around even between windows -Will not save after this -Does not affect 4.16 ...
In 4.19 blueprint-based apps are named after the project name, but in 4.20 they are all called Install_UE4Game-armv7-es2.bat. This also affects the Uninstall_*.bat ...