While investigating an issue with enum comparisons breaking when the enum changes, I discovered that the comparison will not return true if set to "contains NOT EQUAL values" and the values are not ...
When spawning an actor using the Spawn Actor From Class node that has a Set Replicates node in the construction script, the editor crashes upon attempting to run a dedicated server with 2 players. ...
Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically. Even if the CharacterMovement component has Physics Interaction disabled, it will still effect t ...
When attempting to apply torque to a ragdolled skeletal mesh, nothing happens, regardless of the value used. Applying an impulse works as expected, but adding torque seems to have no effect. Found ...
When using source control and attempting to sync the project, sometimes assets are not updated to the latest changes properly. This causes changes made to those assets later to override previous ch ...
In the Content Browser in the Viewport to the right of the Content Browser outliner (*see image): If you are in Tile View you can drag an asset into a folder in the same viewport and successfully m ...
Using Object Scale in your material with an Instanced Static Mesh does not change the color of the material if you scale the individual instances of the Instanced Static Mesh component. If you scal ...
Users are reporting crashes and poor performance when generating foliage using the Experimental Procedural Foliage Volume tool. Regression? Yes, this does not occur in the previous engine version o ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17 release. Update: also occurring in 4.18 User DescriptionsCompiled after Refreshing Blueprint node after changine its namePressed compile after creat ...
A blueprint that uses a node for a BlueprintNativeEvent function breaks on hot reload. Blueprint cannot be saved or compiled. Compile error states: Error This blueprint (self) is not a HOTRELOADED ...