Landscape Materials which use the new Grass Output and have Tessellation turned to PNTriangles will crash the engine Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2550487 & Releases/4.8/Promoted-CL-255045 ...
10 or more Static Meshes set to Simulate Physics and Replicates Movement will crash the editor with PIE set to 2 or more players. Less than 10 don't cause a crash. The user reporting this got a mor ...
Users on the AnswerHub are reporting that Skylights have too much effect on Subsurface Scattering. The argument here seems to be Movable Skylights versus Static/Stationary and their results regardi ...
Crash attempting to copy all of the nodes in the Audio map of the ContentExamples project. Crashreporter: (link to specific crash) [Link Removed] (link to bugg) [Link Removed] Ensure condition fa ...
Landscape grass map generation crashes if the landscape component in question uses an XY offset map. --------- Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 646] Rendering thread exception: Fatal error: [Lin ...
Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin. Note: this does not appear to affect their functionality as execution reroute no ...
The issue is seen when using a normal navmesh inside of a World Partitioned level. Adding a Nav Modifier Volume to a Level Instance, and placing the Level Instance in the world will affect the navme ...
The Top Down template TopDownController has Block Input enabled by default. This is potentially confusing for new users not aware of this difference. Note that due to [Link Removed], testing this r ...
Using Ctrl+Drag in 4.8 will not affect the location of selected actor if the viewport camera is facing away from selected actor. In 4.7.6 the actor would travel along the X axis even if the camera ...
The attached asset (including animation) takes 9 minutes to import in 4.10, where it takes 42 seconds in 4.8 and 4.9. You don't really notice this until you start to get up to larger assets or long ...