Repro Rate: 3/3 This issue was reproduced in //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23058290. This is confirmed to not be a regression since the error also occurs on the previous live version. This is regression ...
A dark square appears in the direction of a spotlight on hair when the spotlight has no shadow. [Image Removed] In UE 5.4 the dark square is visible when the spotlight has no shadow, and a light s ...
The problem here isn't obvious: the native enum, EAnotherEnum, is missing the Flags flag for the UEnum. As a result, K2Node_GetEnumeratorNameAsString returns the max enum when it gets a combined fla ...
Additive animations that use a frame from their own sequence as a base pose are initially broken when retargeted. Users have to refresh the properties that select the base pose in order to fix the ...
Crash on switching to landscape/paint tab when using a landscape material that has a material function hooked onto the WorldPositionOffset. Working as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL ...
Nav Modifier volumes are not affected the nav mesh until they are moved from their initial placement position. Found in 4.13.1. Reproduced in 4.12.5 and 4.15 Main CL 3163223 This is similar to [Li ...
Attempting to connect to Perforce source control causes the editor to crash in 4.10.1. The action being preformed (connecting to source control) and repro steps (reported by licensee) match [Link R ...
Displaying the UMG content with a material shader will mean that it is drawn to an sRGB aware surface and thus blended in linear space instead of sRGB space (as widgets expect). In sceenshot-1.png t ...
When using the left mouse button to click and drag a button, the on drag detected will not fire even when using precise click. This was not the case in previous versions of the engine (Works as expe ...
After compiling, the variable disappears from the variable list which prevents the user from deleting it and being able to recompile the level succussfully Not a regression as it occurs in 4.18.1 a ...