Blueprint nativization fails using a map type argument as Expose on Spawn

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 2, 2020

Here's a sample blueprint [Image Removed] The lack of implementation FCustomThunkTemplates::SetMapPropertyByName causes this error.#include "Kismet/BlueprintMapLibrary.h"// The fix needs this head ...

EngineSubsystem Deinitialize is not being called

Tools - Jan 24, 2020

UEngineSubsystem::Deinitialize() is not called when closing the editor In addition, (tested only with released 4.24.1)  when recompiling a module using the "Modules" window in the editor the d ...

Private functions can be overriden in the "My Blueprint" tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 29, 2022

Discovered during investigation of [Link Removed]. This is happening because we are not filtering out private parent functions in SMyBlueprint::BuildOverridableFunctionsMenu. With any fix that is ...

Syncing issue when stopping and blending out a non-looping montage to an anim graph

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Feb 7, 2023

When syncing from a non-repeating montage that is blending out to an anim graph, the anim montage is marked as a follower due to having its PrevMaker as an AnimBoundary(-1), furthermore in this case ...

UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() does NOT work properly in Editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2023

UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() returns nullptr on Editor, so user can't use any function using WorldContext and Subsystem. The following code change may fix this issue UWorld* UMovieSceneTra ...

Parameters show up in material instances even if they're not supposed to be exposed

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 28, 2018

In this case, I've added inputs to a material function. That material function input uses a parameter as it's default value. [image: Inline image 1] When referenced in the shader[image: Inline ima ...

Invalidation panels can retain stale hittest data when caching is disabled/enabled

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 20, 2024

Changes to the hit test grid of an invalidation panel while caching is disabled won't be respected when caching is reenabled. This can cause interactive widgets such as buttons who were set to colla ...

Opening a Niagara asset that references a disabled plugin (Chaos Niagara) can crash the editor

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2024

Opening a module with references to a disabled plugin can crash the editor.  ...

Moving the file location of the Editor Startup map appears to break the reference to the startup map

Tools - Nov 10, 2016

Moving the file location of the Editor Startup map appears to break the reference to the startup map. The editor fails to find the map and so does not use it for the start up map. Notes: In the ...

Changing blendspace on a blendspace player node resets the play time

OLD - Anim - Jan 11, 2017

Open QAGame and duplicate Player_RunBlend to Player_RunBlend2. Create an animation blueprint for M_Avg_Base_AnimSkeleton and set it up in the screen shot below. ( "New Var 0" and "New Var 1" contai ...