Setting CLion as the default IDE causes Unreal to not recognize it as a compiler. You are unable to compile C++ projects or create new ones with it set this way. This was reported and tested in 4. ...
From the UDN thread: Turns out this is caused by the way this stat was implemented for the FBehaviorTreeInstance struct: 1) You call IncMemoryStats on construct, before the struct is populated with ...
Get crashed in editor when opening many sequencers using the EditorUtilityWidget,. It's not in UE4.25.3, but it crashes in UE4.25.4. And it only occurs when NVIDIA Aftermath (r.GPUCrashDebugging=1) ...
UDN Case : ...
Animation Layer Interfaces are overriding the filter making it so only that asset type is visible even when paired with other filters. There is an exception to this with the blueprint interfaces fi ...
CopyFileUnderSourceControl has instances when the response is not a success even though the files are copied successfully under source control. It seems FPerforceCopyWorker::Execute() tries to reso ...
When setting an actor on a level to the SoftObjectRefence(Type:Actor) variable and outputting the object name as a PrintString, the object name cannot be correctly obtained if the set actor is place ...
The editor-scripting blueprint node "Add Data Table Row" fails when the Data Table uses a Row Structure that was defined in blueprint. Internally, it checks if the passed-in UScriptStruct is derived ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 Opening the FP_Walk_Fwd animation in the first person template results in an assertion. ...
When set the current asset group language in a particular process, the asset refers to the "source asset" and output warning log. LogPackageLocalizationCache: Warning: Skipping the cache update for ...