Server Travel from Map A to Map B then back to Map A will crash on exiting PIE. Generates different call stacks between 4.8.1 and Main. Crash Reporter: 4.8.1: [Link Removed] Main: [Link Removed] ...
A crash occurs when trying to use the Mesh Reduction tool for the ScotsPine_01 static mesh from the Open World Demo collection. The assets from this project are usually very processor heavy due to ...
Branch Build Label Changelist UE4-Main UE4_[2013-08-27_14.24] 1799942 DESCRIPTION: When importing an animated camera from Maya into Matinee, the placement of the camera is changed (shifted 90 ...
If the Wait Task is completed for the first frame, it may not return to the root node even after Finish. This can be avoided by increasing the wait time of the Wait Task (see CaseOK.mp4). When this ...
Currently there is no mouse decorator when dragging event dispatchers out of the My Blueprints panel in the Blueprint editor. This contradicts the functionality of drag-and-dropping variables, func ...
Widget components appear to be affected by lighting. This causes differences in color between widget components and widgets that have been added to the viewport. ...
Blendspace animations of morph targets play at a slightly but noticably different rate between the 4.8 and 4.9 version of the UE4. ...
Converting a project from 4.8.3 to 4.10.4 causes external reference spam in the message log>map check window. Seems directly related to [Link Removed]. Making new jira on request. ...
Swarm Coordinator in 4.8.1/2 is not distributing light builds across accessible agents. If you have and open a Coordinator included in the 4.7.6 build of the Engine, Coordinator is distributing cor ...
The Initial Modules appear to be clamped to a zero to 1 time frame since 4.8 was released. Projects that are converted from 4.7.6 will have correctly working particle systems, but adding a new part ...