SkyLight is not affecting the volumetric fog

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Nov 24, 2022

Looks like this behavior was working as expected until 5.1 Preview 2 ...

Switching CanEverAffectNavigation on a Dynamic Obstacle Leaves Original Area Behind

UE - AI - Sep 15, 2016

When setting Can Ever Affect Navigation to false, moving it, and then setting it back to true, the originally affected area remains, and it also creates a new affected area. This occurs each time y ...

Character Movement Mode in Water Volume is affecting all clients

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Dec 16, 2019

Strange behavior concerning Character Movement Network Replication and a Water Physics Volume.  Upon entering water volume, Character Movement mode is set to swimming, however if more than one clien ...

gltf 2.0 Blender Polly Import crashes

OLD - Enterprise - Aug 29, 2019

Trying to import the Polly sample model for gltf 2.0 crashes Editor. User know that the Plugin is experimental but as the Polly Model is used for Blender gltf development, it should work. The crash ...

Copy/Paste a data asset fields cause the fields to affect each other

Tools - Jul 7, 2016

When an element of a data asset is copied into another field, the two fields become "linked" and further edits to one field begin to affect the other. ...

Force feedback effects only play the value at time 0 in curve

UE - Gameplay - Apr 21, 2017

Force feedback effects will persistently play at whatever the value is set at Time 0 in the curve. This does not occur in UE4/Main ...

Spatialization no longer occurs when Non-Spatialized Radius is set above 0

UE - Audio - Sep 13, 2016

Audio spatialization no longer occurs when Non-Spatialized Radius is set above 0 in a sound actor (instance or in a sound cue). I could not reproduce this issue in UE4/Main. ...

Two Sided Foliage doesn't receive VSM shadow with Opacity 0

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2024

Two-Sided foliage materials with an Opacity of 0 ignore any shadows cast with Virtual Shadowmaps, even in a completely sealed environment. This did not happen in UE 5.1.1 ...

Setting world scale appears to affect the distance between eyes in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 21, 2016

The "Set world to meters scale" node appears to affect the distance between eyes in VR. The eye gap distance appears to grow larger as well making everything appear out of focus ...

Play rate affects all blendspace samples using the same Anim Sequence

OLD - Anim - Jun 27, 2017

Play rate affects all blendspace samples using the same Anim Sequence Occurs on? 4.15 - 3450819 - YES 4.16 - 3466753 - YES 4.17 - 3502710 - YES ...