Exceptions can no longer be enabled for ProjectEditor targets

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jul 16, 2018

It is no longer possible to enable C++ exceptions for the ProjectEditor target in code projects that use the binary Engine. Some fixes that were made for 4.19 now correctly show an error message if ...

Properties of placed-in-map actor instances may not replicate if their default has been edited

UE - Networking - Mar 26, 2019

If the default value of a replicated property is edited on an instance of a placed-in-map actor, then on the server is value is changed back to the default, a client who joins in progress after this ...

Loading a map via File->Open Level... when it is already loaded in World Composition view does not reset actors to origin

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - May 14, 2019

Loading a map via File->Open Level or just by clicking on it to open it, when it is already loaded in World Composition view does not reset actors to origin. The actors instead keep the same positio ...

Construction script does not properly reset array count

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2019

It appears that in UE 4.23, some specific arrays in construction scripts are no longer cleared automatically and retain references to TRASH objects from the previous construction script calls. This ...

Crash occurs when renaming an asset that is used by Class Default Object

UE - CoreTech - UObject - Nov 23, 2021

Not a regression. Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 Binary - Reproduced //UE4/Release-4.27.1 CL17735300 Binary - Reproduced //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary - Reproduced Fro ...

[AI] FInstancedStruct is not dupilicated properly if values are different from an Actor's defaults

UE - AI - Jan 24, 2024

A licensee reports that the values of an FInstancedStruct do not get properly duplicated if they differ from the default values of the Actor or TArray to which they belong. Possible short-term wo ...

Duplicated TextureLoadVirtualPageTable in GetCustomData functions in generated HLSL add to the total instruction count due to TextureLoad having side effects

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 4, 2024

When using materials with CustomData inputs, such as the Eye material with Iris Distance and Mask, Virtual Texture samples will increase the instruction count for each unique VTPageResult. Each cus ...

UE4Editor does not start when there are no audio devices available

UE - Platform - Linux - Sep 26, 2018

UE4Editor does not open when there are no audio input or output devices available. The editor hangs at 83% after it initializes the AudioMixer. This issue looks like it was caused by CL 4396954. Et ...

Mouse cursor will not change unless a mouse button is being held down.

Tools - Dec 5, 2014

Changing the mouse cursor depending on what it is currently over only happens if a mouse button is also being held down. This worked normally in version 4.5.1 WORKAROUND: In UGameViewportClient::Ge ...

Mouse cursor does not disappear when widget has focus

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 20, 2017

THere is an issue with the Mouse cursor when using UMG with the set show mouse cursor option. after setting the set show mouse cursor off pressing a widget and giving it focus causes the mouse curso ...