The issue is that when we hit a breakpoint with no 'object to debug' set, we will set a flag bResetObjectBeingDebuggedWhenFinished to true, so after you resume execution we'll clear that flag and fo ...
When trying to copy a setter node for a GameplayTag variable from one eventgraph to another eventgraph the engine crashes. If the blueprint that is copied into has a GameplayTag variable with the sa ...
When changing the name or moving the location of a custom game mode blueprint that is set as the "default game mode" in project settings, the default game mode is reverted back to the prior game mod ...
Generated from CrashReporter ...
The problem is in the function with signature "ULevelStreaming* GetLevelStreaming(FString SafeLevelName, UWorld& World)" within LevelSequenceActorSpawner.cpp at line 30. The problem is with the Safe ...
When an actor spawns another actor using AddChildActorComponent that comes alphabetically before it based on blueprint name it will spawn an extra actor that will persist when the scene is stopped d ...
[Image Removed] ...
Changing the effect quality from the console window causes Niagara systems to reset their visibility. Tested in 4.22.3(CL - 7053647), 4.23 (CL - 8386587), 4.24 (CL - 9023396) ...
The licensee has traced the issue back to a divide by zero in UParticleModuleTypeDataBeam2::Update. If the Target and Source are the same then the beams magnitude will be zero. When there is a Nois ...
Moving certain sub groups out of a group cause some of them to appear through a new datasmith import (in a new blank project), but most objects are still missing even with very small groups, and eve ...