In the UE5 case, we end up seeing very harsh lines in both the gradient and the distance to nearest surface examples whereas the results in 4.27 appear smooth. It was also interesting to observe c ...
The console command bugscreenshot doesn't work correctly in stand alone or packaged games. It screenshots the UI and leaves the rest transparent. This is different behavior from PIE, New PIE, or jus ...
Moving a water body lowers performance on the engine. The fps drop from 120 to 30 and ms spike from 8 to 30. This issue occurs in 5.0 Binary and 4.27 Binary on Windows. On Mac, FPS drop and ms spike ...
A raytracing project with hardware raytracing enabled and r.RayTracing.Geometry.GeometryCollection set to 1 triggers a crash when trying to create a geometry collection. ...
When playing AnimMontage with BlendOutTime set to 0.f with AnimNode_Slot of AnimBP, it seems that the last frame pose may not be evaluated. this issue does not occur in high frame rate and does not ...
geometry script "Append Simple Swept Polygon" crashes if called w/ an empty path (but non-empty cross section polygon) ...
This is a regression. Assertion thrown while attempting to change a Float value on a Sky Light component using the Set Editor Property node. Different property values can trigger this assertion bes ...
This only seems to occur if the parent is statically placed, and only when launching the instances as standalone game from the editor. If the actor is dynamically spawned or if the instances are run ...
Child Actor Components are visible in editor but disappear while playing or simulating. On BP_Cube_Row, setting 'Hidden in Game' to true then false during play will make the object appear. Repro Ra ...